“Há Manhãs” in Portuguese means “there are tomorrows”, and this is the name Renovar a Mouraria gave to the international breakfast for women created with the main goal of building a local women community.
Breakfasts take place once a month on Sunday, bringing together Portuguese women, as well as migrants and refugees to jointly celebrate, learn and share cultures, exchange ideas and gastronomy of the world.
The idea is to launch an itinerary activity, moving through several districts of Lisbon, but the first editions will be held in the territory of Mouraria and be focused on the themes of work of the WEMIN.
These meetings promote interaction between migrant women, refugee women and women in host societies through an informal setting which helps tackling the stereotypes of both sides, challenging existing migration narratives and fostering an effective exchange of experiences.
The first edition took place on 18th November, at Mouraria Community House and was attended by over 20 women. Along with WEMIN project and activities presentation and recruitment of participants, there was an informal survey of needs and wants of participants.