Wemin develop linguistic and technological training aspects and we strongly believe that the knowledge of the local culture and the host community by newly arrived women is also very important. We have carried out different cultural visits with the Wemin’s students
Roses, giants and boats
Our goal is to approach the customs, traditions and functioning of the society of which they are new members.
During the months of April and May we have carried out different cultural visits with the Wemin’s students. Do you want to know what we have done?
We have participated in the Sant Jordi celebration, and we have better known the origin of this Catalan festival, dedicated to books and roses.
We have visited the Casa de los Entremesos, a space that show different expressions of popular and traditional culture in collaboration with different entities and associations of Catalonia. One of the things that impressed us most were the old giants of the Plaça Nova, since they are about 3 meters high.
We have also visited the Museu Marítim of Barcelona (maritime museum of Barcelona), which is located in the Raval neighborhood, realy close to Colectic premises. We visited it twice: on the first visit, women learnt how what life was like in the sea, the tools that were used, the different boats that existed and how they have evolved throughout history. Some days after that, we visited the exhibition "Women of the Sea" that wants to give visibility to the contributions made by working women at sea. After the visit ended, we were talking about our personal experiences related to the sea.
WEMIN is a 2-year project whose objective is to develop and implement an innovative model for integration for women migrants and refugees of all ages in the communities involved. The project addresses the social, educational and professional aspects of inclusion in eight countries of the European Union.
This project was funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund under grant agreement No 776211. This text reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.